Emma was so upset and crying so I was holding her and she sobbed to me, "it - is - all - over - for - me." I held back my smile and I asked her what she means it is all over for her. She replied, "Running around and playing was the best thing in the world for me and now it is all over for me because I keep falling down, don't you understand? That means it is the end for all of my running and playing!" Oh the drama!!
What I love best about this picture is that it is exactly like a picture my dad still carries of me in his wallet, skinned nose and all! :)
Then today we were at playday and all of the kids were running wild, which is normal and kind of the point, but then Rory walks into the gym crying, sort of, and saying, "I have an owie." So I said "oh no come here." She kind of stumbled around and kept saying "I have an owie."
Then I saw the blood dripping down her hair.
I ran over to pick her up and rushed her into the kitchen where Allison and Lani and I tried to check out her head and then we saw the awesome gash in her tiny noggin. Allison just looked at me and said, "go, take her to tom's (Dr. Greenwood, aka world's most awesome doctor) office right now we will take care of your other girls." Which I did. And yep she needed stitches, well glue to be more exact. The girl never cried! She even sang to Dr. Greenwood while he glued her head shut. She is amazing. And so are all of my friends who were at playday and so willingly took my girls home with them so that I could focus on helping Rory. Here are some pics of her owie, they are gruesome so remember I warned you!
The gash is close to 2 inches long and so deep it was probably as deep as my pinky nail is wide! Such a trooper! I am thinking we might want to bubble wrap Ethan and Bailey before this trend continues! :)