Wednesday, October 30, 2013

Girls' Night!

I love these nights.  Greg and Ethan are at the temple for mutual tonight and so that means that I get to have Girls' Night with my three sweet girls.

When I started this whole mom gig I told Heavenly Father that I wanted all boys.  I only had brothers and I knew all about Cub Scouts and Boy Scouts and Little League… I had no sisters and had no idea what I would do with a little girl.  Now that I have three of them I could not imagine not having all of the amazing fun I have with these beautiful girls that Heavenly Father knew I needed.

After the traditional french toast dinner, nail polish and hair doing we snuggle up and watch shows together like Say Yes to the Dress.  What I love most about this is the comments and conversations we have.  I love hearing about my girls' plans for their weddings, the dresses they want, the colors they want to decorate with, the flowers, the hair, the rings, all of it.  But my favorite part is when they tell me about the men they want to marry; how he will honor his priesthood and take them to the temple to be sealed for eternity, how he will be funny and make them laugh even when they have a bad day, how he will be "as handsome as Dad and Ethan", and how he will be their best best friend.  I am so happy to hear that even at 9 and 7 years old my daughters can't wait to build a marriage not just have a wedding. My girls are so rad :)

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