- my school
- the kids' schools
- running a law practice
- working in the lab
- taking/editing pictures
- HESI exams
- birthday parties
- getting into Nursing School
- YM activites
- YW Activities
- Stake Dances
- Ward Conferences
- Branch Conferences
- Girls Camp planning
- Scout campouts
- getting a new perfect nephew
- friends having babies
- everyone home for Christmas
- school spelling bee
- district spelling bee
- County Spelling bee :)
- baritone practice
- learning to read
- homework packets
- Asperger's/Autism
- Diabetes
- making new friends
- visiting with old friends
- dear friends moving away
- cleaning the house
- laundry
- laundry
- laundry
- living room dance parties
- super fun game nights
- family movie marathons
- laughing
- crying
- humbling
- fun
- family <3...
So yeah, consider the blog caught up for now :)