Monday, January 26, 2009

Grade Level Schools

So here in Winslow there is a large upheaval about the idea of grade level schools. Let me start by saying when all is said and done I am in favor of grade level schools. But I am not in favor of all of the proposed budget cuts for Arizona's schools.  I have mentioned before that I have a son with Asperger's Syndrome. It is incredibly difficult and painful for him to make and keep friends because of that.  My hope is that with 5-6 classes of 3rd graders all at one school the odds for him finding other children who will be kind and friendly to him will be in his favor finally.  He has really struggled the last three years and I will try anything that can make it easier for him.

That being said I hate the idea of losing teachers either because we cut their jobs entirely or because we cut their pay until they can't afford to work here. I don't love the idea of having my children spread out across town either.  Ethan loves to be driven to and from school everyday.  It is a special time that we get to visit and spend together.  I won't be able to do that anymore because unless they figure something out with this whole space time continuum thing there is no way for me to be at 3 elementary schools at 3:10 everyday.  I suppose they could have staggered release times.  But then you still have the problem of every school having a kindergarten.

I think the biggest problem is our resistance to change.  Hopefully we can all work together and find a way to make this successful for the kids.


Life as a Greenstreet said...

Wow! That is quite a to do! Stuff like this makes me happy we decided to homeschool our kids. (Not that either of them are technically old enough to go to school). Keep me updated on that!
Side note: I thought of you when I saw this. I read this blog and this woman has 2 boys with Autism Spectrum disorders (not sure which ones, but isn't Asbergers Syndrom on the Autism spectrum?)
Anyhoo- she feeds them a gluten free, soy free, casien free diet and seems to think it helps. I know nothing about this...I just thought of you and thought I'd pass it on.

The first one is her main site, the second is dedicated soley to GFSFCF foods

GFCFSF Mom said...


Thanks for coming by! I'd say it's worth a try! I've seen great improvements. We are not on the spectrum, but are "close"! Lots of "tendancies" but not severe enough for the spectrum. Let me know if you need any help or guidance getting started :)


Amanda L said...

So I do understand your idea about Ethan and other kids. However, I just have to throw this out there: There will still be three lunch periods, three recesses and the same release time. It would be impossible for the lunch people to have all the kids outside at the same time, so we would still have different lunch times. :( I do understand your reason and I get it. I agree that when all is said and done, if it means we keep teachers and music and pe and art...I'll pack up my dream room and move to a small new room. :)