Monday, January 10, 2011

Wow is it already 2011?!

So this year I want to do better about something, well several things, ok, a LOT of things but I want to narrow it down to just a few to make this self improvement thing manageable...  How many of you have already made "New Year's Resolutions"?  I'm sure most of you have, and I have meant to but there have just been so many things to get done... which brings me to number 1:

Stop Procrastinating: I have always been a procrastinator.  I like to claim that I do my best work under pressure (which I do) but a lot of the time it is really just that I haven't gotten to it yet.  So how do I go about this?  It is one thing to say I am going to stop procrastinating and an entirely different thing to make a plan and then put that plan in place.

I have heard a lot of ideas as to how to start.  "Make a to do list" (tried it, I even have TWO apps for that...  :S ), "keep a calendar" (I have one on my phone, computer, AND iPad), etc.  I think my biggest stumbling block is feeling overwhelmed and so I don't WANT to start.

So I plan to start by breaking my to do list into teeny tiny parts so that I get to cross things off more often and feel like I am making actual progress.  For example instead of entering "clean the kitchen" I will enter "empty dishwasher," "load dishwasher," "wipe down counters," well you get the drift, you know how to clean a kitchen... :)  So I will see how it goes and I will report back here.  I will start with my resolutions: I am going to do a series of posts here talking about each resolution one at a time and hopefully I get some good advice from all of you out there.  Maybe doing them one at a time won't be as hard as looking at a giant list. :)

But what do you guys think?  Have you ever had a problem with procrastination?  Did you overcome it?  How did you do it?  Or if you don't have the problem, what is your system?

1 comment:

Barker said...

I actually do that and it's works for me. I make really long lists but the vague 'clean the house' seems overwhelming. I know if I did more little things along the way I would be in better shape. Like instead of passing by a sippy cup of milk all day, if I would just grab it and take it to the kitchen on my way in there I'd save myself from heaving in the sink washing out chunky milk. Baby steps right? Good luck!