Monday, December 20, 2010

Why Shelter Your Kids?

Seriously?  That is really a question someone would ask?

On Facebook the other day a friend was talking about letting her preteen get her own Facebook account and was asking for opinions on it.  See, she believes her daughter is too young but was willing to listen to arguments for or against.  One of her friends responded asking "Why shelter your kids?"  I was astounded by that question.  (Now as far as the whole how old is old enough for FB debate my opinion is YOU know YOUR kids and what YOU are willing to do to police their FB use, so YOU know what is right for YOU)

But really?  Why shelter your kids?  Have you seen what is out there in the world?  I want my babies to always be the sweet, innocent, trustful, caring, people they were the day I brought them home from the hospital.  I know that isn't possible but why not do everything I can to make it last as long as I can?  How could you NOT shelter your kids?  There is so much hurt, anger, fear, and danger in the world how can you throw them out there without your protection?

So I am sorry kids but you might as well get used to the idea that I am going to be there.  I will always stand as the goalie trying to block all of the pain, hurt, disappointment, heartbreak, fear, and danger that tries to get in.  And I know I can't possibly block them all but I will also be there to pick up the pieces, to hold you and love you and tell you it will all be ok again.  I will make sure you are where you said you will be, I will demand to know all of your friends, I will check up on you, I will ask your teachers about you, I will give you curfews and demand to know your plans for the evening, I will require you to clean, do homework, be responsible, attend church, and help others who need it.

So I guess the answer I would give to the question "Why shelter your kids?" is "because I love them."


Kelli said...

Couldn't have said it more perfect!!!

Ashby said...

Ryan told me about that post. Personally I have very strong opinions on when to allow kids access to things like FB and cell phones. Not only because of what's out there but also because things like that can become a black hole of time wasting and young kids don't have the ability or are responsible to say when is enough. So I agree whole heartedly. It's about protecting are kids on several different levels.