Saturday, October 11, 2008

I Got Tagged
I was tagged by Crystal Murdock

Rules:Link the person who tagged you. Mention the rules on your blog. Tell 6 unspectacular quirky things about you or your family. Tag 6 fellow bloggers by linking them. Leave a comment on each of the tagged bloggers' blogs letting them know they have been tagged.

1. I love gadgets. Any kind. I love new kitchen tools, and power tools and ANY kind of electronics. If it is new and improved I so want it.

2. I love to drive Greg to court. Several times a week we will load up the girls and cruise on over to Holbrook so that we can be with Greg a couple more hours during the day. We wait in the parking lot, go vacuum out the car, hit McDonald's playland, or just shop at Alco while he battles it out for his clients.

3. I had a great time in High School. I know a lot of people who talk about how they are so glad to be done with it and that you could never pay them enough to go back to it. Not me, don't get me wrong it isn't like it was the best time of my life and I miss it everyday (or ever for that fact) but I had a great time. I wasn't one of the popular kids but I was friends with a lot of them and I really enjoyed myself. Plus I learned some life lessons in High School that I would never give back.

4. I still don't know what I want to be when I grow up. I have had so many possibilities from the time I was little and I still haven't settled on a single one, Doctor, Nurse, Teacher, Lawyer, Writer, Photographer. What do you guys suggest?

5. I loved turning 30! I really did, it helps that my husband is seven years older than me so I always have him to make me feel young, but it feels so exciting and new. Like I am finally moving on to REAL adulthood.

6. I am so excited for the twins to start school August of 2011! Yeah I know I will miss them terribly but I will be able to do the things that I haven't been able to do for the last 7+ years, like run into Circle K and get a soda. Or drop in on a friend without dragging in four little kids. But for now I am more than happy to have them with me all the time.

:)I hope you enjoyed this brief look into my quirky life! Now it is your turn, I tag Jennie, Monique, Lynsie, Shauna, Heather, Ashby & Anyone else who wants to do it!!! Go do it!! :

1 comment:

Ashby said...

What a fun little tag! Ok, once I get my house clean I'll post mine!