Friday, March 6, 2009

Thinking Funny

So we have this dog, Cole.  He is an adorable, sweet black Cocker Spaniel that none of us wanted. :)  He was my Grandma's  and we more or less inheirited him.  Don't get me wrong we love him but we didn't want a dog (with four little kids we had enough animals to take care of).  Well poor Cole hasn't been groomed in forever so his fur had gotten so many mats in it and last night I researched online the best way to get them out.  I went out armed with scissors and dogbrush to cut them out.  Greg stayed inside with the kids while I worked away.  When it came time to trim Cole's face I needed help holding him still so I asked Greg to come help.  A few minutes later Rory walks to the back door and she is drenched.  Greg and I thought "oh no they were playing in the shower," so he hop up and run in.  They HAD been playing shower, except it was in the kitchen and living room with the sprayer from the kitchen sink!!  My kitchen was flooded (I'm talking an inch deep), there was water in the cupboards, all over the counters, all over BOTH computers, everywhere.  I started drying the counter and noticed it kept getting drops on it so I looked up and the entire ceiling was dripping with water too!  Imagine me standing in my kitchen sink reaching up with towel in hand to dry the ceiling off, I was laughing so hard I kept slipping, I don't know how I didn't fall and break my neck standing barefoot on those slippery wet counters.  :) To make it all better they had taken the Sam's Club sized can of Country Time Lemonade mix and filled up my brand new Miche bag purse with the powder, my Scentsy warmer was full of lemonade powder and the rest was dissolved into the water all over the room, so it wasn't just wet but sticky too.  It took so many towels to clean up the mess that I had to run to my mom's and borrow some of her towels to finish the job.  But it is true, crisis + time = humor because now all I can imagine is how they must have looked standing there spraying the water into the air and playing in it.  Come on who hasn't thought that would be fun at some point, right?  Nothing was permanently damaged and I needed to mop anyway so all's well that ends well right?  :)

Think funny!


The Giles Files said...

Holy cow, I am trying to imagine...lemonade in your purse...water on the ceiling...Just wondering - did the dog ever get his grooming session done? Maybe he secretly put them up to it.:)

Matt and Heather said...

LOL Oh my gosh.... Crazy Kids!!! Why is that kitchen sink sprayer so fun to play with? I know we did it when we were little...
I'm glad you guys could laugh about it and that nothing was permanently ruined...

Corri Havlicek said...

This is a PRICELESS post! Good Job, Corie. You gave me a huge laugh, so I'm glad you saw the humor and shared it!

Treess said...

You are such great parents to be able to laugh through that!! Oh my goodness--I can just see me-- I would NOT be laughing!

Shandi said...

LOL!!!! That is too funny! You gotta love em' though........ that is going to be a great memory to laugh about when they are all grown up!