Tuesday, August 19, 2008

What a good wife Greg has!

So my good friend Brooke had this on her blog and I have to admit I am kind of addicted to online quizes. I think it all started with seventeen and cosmo. Drat those quizzes they can tell you everything about yourself. :) Back to online quizzes, I love to take them but I have never wanted to "share my results with friends." I figure nobody cares which "Buffy the Vampire Slayer" character I am or what "my favorite color says about me". Anyway, this one was cute and I thought I would share. I was so surprised by the results, here I thought I was a very modern forward-thinking woman, but apparently I would be a very superior wife in the 1930's. :D If you try it out I want to hear how you did! Oh and there is a test for the husbands too so maybe I can try and get Greg hooked too!


As a 1930s wife, I am
Very Superior

Take the test!


Stephanie said...

I scored a 65 I'm "just" Superior. Our husbands are lucky to have such superior women!

The Giles Files said...

51. Yep, I would stink at being a wife back then. Just average I guess. :)

Criddle said...

Hey i took that test over the weekend! i scored 73! wow you are good. it was fun!