Wednesday, December 10, 2008


Yeah so I know Thanksgiving was a while ago but I got some great pictures that weekend that I have been wanting to share. Unfortunately my camera had died and I lost the charger. But I have a new charger and now I am ready to update this neglected blog of mine.

My brother Jesse and his wife robin and daughter Shelby came for Thanksgiving this year and that is always so fun and shelby is too stinkin cute. We were all sitting around Thursday morning chatting and letting the kids play. My brother Brian wasn't able to come because he is in the Bishopric in Tucson and he had to be at a youth temple trip he had organized. So I text him to say Happy Thanksgiving and his answers were just a little off. Now he has been known to surprise us and the first thing I thought was I bet they are on their way here and they are surprising us all. Well a couple hours later there they were and it made a great Thanksgiving even better. There is nothing I love like having my brothers and I all together. It had rained pretty well which out in Ames Acres makes for some excellent mud! When we were little my dad had a few 3-wheelers that we would ride all the time in the big empty lot next door. And if it was muddy it was even better! Well given the excellent mud and my dad's two quads the oppourtunity for fun was way too irresistable even though none of us had changes of clothes for us or our kids. Here are some pics of all the fun!

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